This video shows how you can use the GTC605 Fuel Injection Analyzer to quickly check mechanical injectors on a small indirect injection diesel.
(0s) Narrator: Starting and configuring the GTC605 only takes a few seconds; we’ll start by using the the easy-to-read digital view to check how long each injector is ‘open’ for on this Yanmar 2GM indirect injection diesel.
(15s) Narrator: The forward injector is opening for about 3ms per cycle.
(21s) Narrator: The rear injector is staying open a bit longer, about 5ms per cycle.
(30s) Narrator: Next, we can use the chart view to see how consistent each injector is, and whether either one is behaving erratically.
(38s) Narrator: The rear injector seems quite consistent, with a little variability around its 5 millisecond average.
(48s) Narrator : The front injector shows similar consistency, around its 3-millisecond average.
(52s) Narrator: Hmm…
(56s) Narrator: Given that each injector is self-consistent, but different from the other, we should use the waveform view to take a closer look; we’ll do that in another video.