This new, user friendly Oxygen Sensor Tester/Simulator model ST05 from General Technologies Corp/Sheffield Research sports a simple interface to perform diagnostic tests and measurements on any Oxygen Sensor and to quickly determine whether or not an oxygen sensor is actually defective and in need of replacement.
It is designed to be used both, as a stand alone tool or as a compliment to any scanner during the diagnostic process.
Can be used on:- Zirconium Sensors
- Titanium 1 volt sensors
- Titanium 5 volt Sensors
- Wide Band “dual-Cell” Sensors.
- Heated or unheated Sensors (1,2,3,4 or 5 wires)
- Diagnose “Lazy” sensors which may not trigger DTC’s but cause driveability problems
- Sensors can be tested either ON or OFF vehicles.
- Does not require special time-consuming set-up or in-depth knowledge
- Real time cross count displayed on live bargraph
- Instant *PASS/FAIL* results displayed on large alpha-numeric display