Types of Corrosion Found on Cars, Trucks, and Boats

Corrosion is an unfortunate and inevitable effect that attacks most metals. There are a few common causes of corrosion, and you’ve probably encountered all of them, even though you might not have recognized or identified them at the time. Understanding what’s going it can help you detect and prevent it in the future. This post goes through the most common causes of corrosion, the factors which speed it up, how you can slow it down, and what you should do about preventing it.

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Why Diesels Blow Smoke, and What it Means

Diesel engines are notoriously smoky, producing much more blue, white, and black smoke than their gasoline-powered counterparts. The fundamental reasons for this are that diesels operate at higher pressures, with lower-purity fuel, and variable fuel-air ratios. This post covers the different types of smoke, and their (complicated) causes.

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We’ve Got A New Look!

As you may have noticed, things are a lot brighter around our website these days! Our old ‘too blue’ design lasted for a little over five years, but the web moves quick, so we decided to move to a more modern design and framework. We hope this new site is just as easy to navigate

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How to Test Glow Plugs

Glow plugs are installed on many diesel engines to help with cold starts. They usually fail because of corrosion, overheating, mechanical damage, or metal fatigue, and their failure can cause a variety of problems. The easiest way to test a glow plug is by using a clamp-meter, though digital multimeters can also do the job, and glow-plug testers also work.

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